Latest Message: 5 months, 2 weeks ago
  • guest_3616 : o, Im new to staking on BIFROST Wallet. I got a message of contract call. Im wondering if the ns go to my wallet or do I need to go get them?
  • guest_7939 : Hi. I came up with a game. A simple money game with a very easy, simple and intuitive interface. I can make a description. Drawings. But I'm not a software engineer. To create and run it in flare, songbird networks. The game is not a ax. The winnings are quite real, simple and achievable. Excitement and simplicity will attract players. If you are interested, please we can continue the dialogue. Write. Alex
  • guest_9135 : Just check this out. Very nice
  • guest_4442 : Can I use this site to download the CSV file for my tax advisor?
  • guest_9673 : Thanks for your hard work and reward rate updates🙂
  • guest_1004 : Hi, are you guys running a validator which is charging a 100% fee on Flare?
  • guest_2008 : Hi so I got my first air drop from Coinbase. In march but have not received April or may
  • shcote58 : I sent my flare airdrop to my Bitfrost wrapped and delegated it feb4 where is my
  • shcote58 : bitfrost wallet and wrapped and delegated … where is my march 17 airdrop ?
  • shcote58 : I received my 15% flare airdrop to my metamask on Feb4 and sent it to my
  • guest_3741 : What’s up with not having all of the Flare data providers
  • guest_3741 : o
  • guest_3741 : o admin!
  • guest_1253 : Can any one pls tell w why i dont see my flare rewards in my Bifrost mb wallet?
  • admin : @guest_9796, not interested. Thank you.
  • guest_9796 : Please reply me if you are interested.
  • guest_9796 : As a senior fullstack & blockchain developer, I am looking forward to building and delivering outstanding solutions for your STSO & FTSO.
  • guest_9796 : o, as an experienced full-stack & blockchain developer, I bring a deep understanding of blockchain and UI/UX devlopment to blockchain projects. Coming from an ICPC background, I always enjoyed exciting and complex challenges. For several years, I focused on learning algorithms, understanding data structures, and solving genuinely complicated problems in blockchain networks. With my years of experience in C, C++, Solidity, and JavaScript, I am looking forward to building and delivering outsta
  • CryptoNovice20 : I am a novice, user mentality as opposed to clever techie. Any simplistic User type advice, guidance, flowcharts would be greatly appreciated helping me understand what to do once I s to receive my FLR ns. PS: I muddle my way through Bifrost regarding my SGB ns. Thanking you in anion.
  • guest_1996 : sdf
  • guest_1996 : hi
  • Flare Portal admin : Reply to: guest_2723 : Question: Also is there a site where you can view new projects being worked on. Is there going to be a site set up for the launch of these new ns etc. Answer: This information will soon be availalbe on our website. New projects will be able to add information on their project. Once launched we will inform via twitter @FlarePortal
  • Flare Portal admin :
  • Flare Portal admin : Voting Metdology Options 1 & 2 will be based on a super majority requiring >66% positive votes to p. Option 3, because it is the default setting, will be based on a simple majority >50% to p. All options will require a parion rate of at least 30% of all eligible FLR to p. Flare Networks Limited, founders and employees will not be voting and hence will be removed from the eligibility calculation. The Flare Foundation is not allowed to vote and hence will not be in the eligibil
  • Flare Portal admin : The voting on the proposal has not yet been sed, once sed voting will occur via Flare Foundation governance website or the block explorer according to Flare (TomT).
  • Flare Portal admin : The proposal: This proposal is issued by the Flare Foundation and if ped consists of a set of changes that will be made to the distribution and inflation of the Flare blockchain’s native n, FLR together with changes in payout structure and recipients of the Cross Chain Incentive Pool.
  • Flare Portal admin : The Flare
  • guest_101 : Can we vote on the new proposal from Hugo in regards to rewarding tse w pare and if so w to we cast our vote.
  • guest_2723 : Also is there a site where you can view new projects being worked on. Is there going to be a site set up for the launch of these new ns etc.
  • guest_2723 : Is there any good sites for exploring the best ways to set up your dcent wallet for the FLR n before launch.
  • guest_9338 : lease check the following video for more information on - It's a DEX (Decentralised Exchanges) on the Songbird network itself, like the XRPL DEX. On your own risk; but the idea is that you use a DEX to swap one n to the other. In the beginning the liquidity on the DEX might not be high and therefore it is more risky as you might not get a good price for the swapping the ets.
  • guest_7525 : @Loid33 no you cant stake on bifrost, wever you can check their website for details.
  • Loid33 : Can I stake Oracle on Bifrost?
  • Ivan : o
  • rohithc : oooo
  • Ivan : Yeah yES yEAH
  • Ivan : o
  • admin : guest_4975 -> what's up?
  • guest_4975 : ?
  • admin : What's your role in the Flare Community? Investor, developer?
  • admin : Hi Guest, you are the first one! 🙂
  • guest_861 : Hi
  • admin : Hi flarefans!
  • FlareChat : Welcome to FlareChat